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I have combined my teaching experience and workshop content creation to deliver workshops on specific areas. The aim of the workshops is to provide a deeper understanding, tools, and an opportunity for a Q&A for specific things that might come up for you.

Confidence & Self Esteem

This workshop helps you to understand the importance of confidence and self esteem and the unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that you may be engaging in. Tools are also provided to help you let you go of what’s not serving you and build confidence!


Imposter Syndrome

Something that is far more common than we think but often not discussed. Imposter syndrome has us feeling like we are fraudulent and doubting our abilities. This workshop explores how Imposter Syndrome works, the guilt and shame we feel and how you can work on eradicating these thoughts and feelings.


Career Talk

We spend on average a minimum of 40 hours a week at work, it’s only fair that this is spent in an environment that aligns with your purpose, is intellectually stimulating and makes you feel valued. This workshop aims to provide clarity in understanding the importance of a fulfilling work life and helps you to see what that might look like as well as set goals to obtaining it.


Money Mindset

Money is normally seen as a taboo subject that we don’t discuss openly, which in turn can leave us feeling guilty, ashamed and overwhelmed when it comes to this topic. This workshop focuses on mindset, helping you understand the importance of a healthy relationship with money, incorporating new healthy habits, as well as providing tools and strategies to overcome unhelpful thoughts and behaviours around money.



A lot of recent research has looked into the effects of racism and the trauma that this can cause, as we move towards a society that is learning to educate itself and do better this workshop would like to assist with that process. The workshop is run in two ways depending on what fits you best option 1: understanding the impact of racism from a psychological perspective and understanding how you can heal from this experience. Option 2 understanding the impact of racism from a psychological experience and what you can do to broaden your own personal self awareness.

This is a sensitive topic and there is no judgement around your own personal level of awareness, this is a space that provides learning and important conversations to spark change and reduce racism.



This workshop looks at what we mean by identity, understanding the complex nature of the concept and how you can tune into yourself to form your own identity on your own terms. This workshop also looks at the loss of identity and the effects that can cause.


The importance and benefits of positive psychology

This workshop looks at the tools I use both as a practitioner and personally to help maintain a positive outlook This is particularly helpful for those who struggle with anxiety and depression. This workshop explores the science behind positive psychology as well as the tools and strategies that you can use to implement it into your life.



This workshop looks at the term spirituality, the meanings associated with it and aims to assist anybody on a journey to become more enlightened. This workshop looks at understanding yourself better, listening to your intuition and connecting with yourself.

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